Architecture for Crisis

Postat la 20 mai 2009 24 afişări

Ricardo Bofill, one of the world’s best-known architects, who designed the Barcelona airport and La Place de l’Europe in Luxembourg, has given an exclusive interview to BUSINESS Magazin about the Bucharest of the future, as well as about mega projects in times of crisis.

Every city that wants to be seen as a tourist attraction boasts at least one emblematic modern building, designed by a famous architect. In addition to prestige, this also brings travel revenues. ”In order for Bucharest, in turn, to boast an architectural symbol, it is essential for a trend to be created. In Spain, the mega projects were launched in Barcelona, and then the other cities started to ask for buildings designed by famous architects,” explains Bofill.

The architect says the crisis is the best time to make such plans, with the launches to take place after the crisis is over. In Bucharest, he has designed an entire quarter for Spanish company Avantia, on a 12 hectare plot bordering Lacul Morii (Morii Lake). It will include office buildings, extensive commercial areas and residential buildings, covering 590,000 square metres in overall built area.

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