At the Travel Exchange

Postat la 09 iunie 2009 15 afişări

2009 seems to have been the year of ”shock” offers so far, with both airline operators and travel agencies joining in.

When Ziarul Financiar announced in March that TAROM (Romania’s flag carrier airline) had launched a shock offer – 50 euros for a return ticket (no taxes included) and 24 euros for domestic flights, the article became one of the most read stories, with the online version alone recording 24,000 hits. TAROM changed its marketing policy, which, in business terms, was interpreted as an attempt to attract more clients and increase the occupancy degree, while for passengers it meant lower-priced tickets than the airline had ever had in its offer.

For instance, a Bucharest-Rome return ticket costs 145 euros (all fees included) at TAROM (50 euros - airport charges excluded), while for a flight of low-cost operator Wizz Air departing on April 26th and returning on April 28th, the ticket cost 116 euros – all taxes included.In fact, lately, price offers for aeroplane tickets and travel packages have become very common, with most of the airlines and travel agencies joining in with low-price offers. Representatives of the Eurolines group say most aeroplane ticket offers are for England, France, Spain and Italy. For instance, in May, Air France launched a special promotion for Paris -167 euros – all taxes included (for online booking). For Amsterdam, KLM had a 199-euro offer under the same conditions.

German operator Lufthansa sells aeroplane tickets to Milan, Frankfurt, München and Düsseldorf, with prices starting from 99 euro - all taxes included. London, considered to be one of the most expensive destinations in Europe, became more affordable in the April 7th – 28th period, due to the British Airways offer – 118 euros for a one-way ticket. ”In the current European financial context, competition among airlines has made this a good time for travelling, with many providers choosing to cut prices in order to attract as many passengers as possible,” says Emil Delibashev, commercial manager of British Airways for the Balkans.

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