Credit or Policy?

Postat la 12 august 2009 18 afişări

Cases where there is not a single financial product per household are rare, but similarly rare are the situations where one individual explores an extremely varied range of financial products.

In Romania, the standard combination includes three or four products on average – a bank account, a loan, a mandatory insurance policy and an account in the mandatory private pensions system. There is no joint calculation method for companies in the fi nancial system that can reveal Romanians’ preferences in terms of fi nancial products.

However, a standard combination for Romanian clients is not very difficult to put together. ”The most common fi nancial products include banking loans and auto liability insurance, especially since it’s mandatory,” says Cornelia Coman, general manager of ING Asigurari de Viata (ING Life Insurance). On the other hand, there are the over 4.35 million participants to the mandatory private pensions system, making private pensions one of the most prevalent fi nancial products among the employed.

The same can be said about the current account – decidedly the banks’ best-selling product, ”to which a card and an overdraft, and/or a consumer loan can be attached. But the most common combination is current account – card – overdraft,” says Rozaura Stanescu, delegate executive manager of the strategy and marketing department within BRD-Groupe Société Générale.

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