Harry Potter and the order of luxury

Postat la 01 septembrie 2009 21 afişări

The number of luxury groups urging the (younger and) younger audience to give up Disney clothes for designer items has gone up, and the messengers sent to lure them are teenage stars in Hollywood films.

”Being a rebel is much more fun!” Hermione exclaimed in the ”Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix” film, happy to have contributed to the school’s rebellion against the teacher that disrupted the activity at the School for Magic. The line is quite unusual for Hermione who portrayed a model student throughout five ”Harry Potter” films. Moreover, it seems that Emma Watson (the actress who played Hermione) has applied the same theory in real life. A little while before the latest film in the franchise, ”Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” was released, Emma Watson became the image of Burberry luxury label. Her look was completely different from the schoolgirlish and childish look displayed until then, and seemed to have been inspired by the fashion shows in London rather than anything else.

The announcement stirred quite a controversy, but comments and analyses that came out after the launch of the photos are actually about the rising appetite of luxury groups for a portion of the commercial potential of the young audience. Because characters like Hermione are models inspiring millions of young people all over the world who contribute to hundreds of millions of euros in revenues (”Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince” generated 160 million dollars in five days after the opening).

”Having known and admired the lovely Emma Watson for quite some time, she was the obvious choice for this campaign who like the images she fronts, has a classic beauty a great character and a modern edge,” Burberry’s creative director, Christopher Bailey, said, commenting on his choice.


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