New Hotels Can Wait

Postat la 23 iunie 2009 23 afişări

The number of hotel rooms to be inaugurated or whose construction is set to start in 2009 is far from the effervescent figures of 2008 launches and from daring plans made in 2007.

Most projects were stopped, some due to lack of funding, others due to lack of courage, and there is no talk of any new projects. Only some of the investments planned a long time ago remain. Radu Enache, owner of the Continental hotel chain, is afraid. Not so much because of the difficult period, which has pushed him to take almost desperate steps, such as giving the receptionist a green light to negotiate accommodation fees. He is much more afraid of the unstable exchange rate and of the Government’s decisions, of tax increases and of the non-existent strategy of the newly-re-established Ministry of Tourism.

”How can I go ahead with building the hotel in Timisoara, where I have funding ready and am prolonging talks with the constructor so as to buy more time, while they are preparing a 4.8 RON/euro rate,” Radu Enache asks. Although he is scared of the economic environment, the businessman has decided to start the constructions he had planned for this year, although problems do exist. ”For the time being we have our funding secured and we are seeking to streamline more expensive funding taken out a while ago; because of this, in fact, we are not 100% covered in terms of financial resources, and we have a 12% budget deficit against last year.

The owner of Continental hotels says he will try to solve this problem via a capital increase, which will take place within the next few months. Also in view of securing more financial resources for investments, the businessman has decided to sell the Hello hotel in Bucharest opened last year and put at 18 million euros, via a sales & lease back contract. This year Radu Enache says he will in fact start two projects, in Timisoara and in Bucharest. The two projects are based on the same concept - they have an integrated hotel structure (several types of hotels in one architectural complex), a concept for which Radu Enache sealed a deal with Czech investment fund PPF last year alongside the sale of a 30% stake in the Continental Hotels business (the deal was concluded in the summer of 2008 and put at 30 million euros). The first project that Enache says he will start is the one in Timisoara – which includes a Continental Forum hotel (with 120 rooms), an Ibis hotel (174 rooms) and a conference centre which will be able to host events accommodating 1.500 people.

Urmărește Business Magazin

Am mai scris despre:
Radu Enache,
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