One billion dollars for a new Rompetrol

Postat la 02 aprilie 2009 49 afişări

Dinu Patriciu says he has already invested his first billion dollars (around 700 million euros) in businesses outside the petroleum world. Several things seem different about Dinu Patriciu, general manager of petroleum group Rompetrol, who has been declared by the people who put together Forbes’ list as the richest person in Romania.

Firstly, he is much more open to discussions – this started after the businessman sold 75% of Rompetrol to the Kazakhs at KazMunaiGaz. Secondly, he talks more about macroeconomics than about business, another change that has occurred over the last few years. Thirdly, the business that he is talking about is not just Rompetrol, it includes another four businesses in which he invested, but in which he was not involved at executive level. What has not changed, as far as Dinu Patriciu is concerned, is that he has remained as secretive as ever.

Out of the four businesses, in which he has so far invested over one billion dollars, he talks openly only about Adevarul Holding (the media company which has now reached 1,000 employees and turnover estimated at 120 million dollars for this year) and about the real estate investments. His main real estate investment has been the acquisition of Fabian. Dinu Patriciu is reluctant to give too many details on the other two businesses, which operate in completely unrelated sectors (energy and technology), but admits they account for the bulk of the billion-dollar investment he has made so far.

The IT business, whose name Dinu Patriciu declines to reveal, is a telecom equipment producer in Germany, which ”has already started production, boasts hundreds of employees and has a turnover in the range of hundreds of millions of euros.

” Patriciu has a partner by his side in the IT business (”I have a partner, I am the financial and majority investor,”) and has applied the same strategy to the energy business, which focuses on the research area: ”In this business, we focus on alternative energy – it is an international research project whose aim is to identify the technological means to make use of sea resources.”

Urmărește Business Magazin

Am mai scris despre:
Dinu Patriciu,
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