The New HR
For human resources managers, these last few months have come with greater changes than all the last few years together.
The new HR strategies no longer have anything in common with what has been happening until now: no one is hiring, but instead making people redundant, salaries are no longer going up, but down, and skills for which training is held have changed. ”I think that now, more than ever, the general manager needs the human resources manager for strategy and involvement. It is crucial that they should work together,” says Calin Tatomir, general manager of Microsoft Romania, a company that recently came out fourth in the Best Employers ranking compiled by human resources consultancy firm Hewitt Associates and Monday Insight Romania.
After a long time during which human resources managers had been complaining that they were not regarded as strategic partners in companies, but rather as mere performers of administrative tasks, the top management is now giving them their rightful place back. The main reason is that the recent restructuring cannot be done without the help of the human resources department. Similarly important is stimulating those that stay and have to work harder than before, but are paid the same or even lower salaries. At any rate, the role of the human resources manager at this time is more important and more novel than ever. ”The crisis has made us creative and stimulated us to move faster than the workforce market.
A context was created for us to carry out activities we would have done at a different scale if circumstances had been different: interdepartmental trainings, internships for students, outsourcing of certain operations,” says Anca Iancu, human resources manager of ING Asigurari de Viata.
This is not a first, though. Human resources departments have always seen hectic activity. Until last year, that meant hiring people en-masse, fierce negotiations, the rush for the best contracts with various suppliers of products or providers of services that could be included in the perks package of the employees, training programmes as sophisticated as possible. Now it is all about the exact opposite. Amid constant cost cutting steps, the priorities and goals of the human resources managers have radically changed.
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