New Wine for Connoisseurs

Postat la 13 mai 2009 26 afişări

”Those who love cars must have heard of Bentley or of Rolls-Royce; the same goes for wines – those who like wine are sure to have at least heard of Davino,” says Dan Balaban, majority shareholder of the winemaker of the same name.

In an interview given to BUSINESS Magazin, the otherwise discreet businessman, who does not want to have his photo taken, told the story of the business he founded 17 years ago together with his partner Bogdan Costachescu (an oenologist and owner of 10% of Davino).

Catalin Paduraru, a wine critic and one of the shareholders of Vinexpert retailer, says ”Davino has seen the most spectacular evolution among all wines launched on the market over the last few years (since 2000 i.e.). ”In 1992 I started a wine import and distribution business, but I had always wanted to be involved in production,” says Balaban, who put the first bottle of Davino wine on the market in 2000. Since then, the brand has become known, especially among connoisseurs. Starting in 2006, Balaban has taken Davino out of the regular retail circuit, and has sold it only on the on-premise segment (hotels, restaurants and catering).

Traducere de Loredana Fratila-Cristescu si Daniela Stoican

Urmărește Business Magazin

Am mai scris despre:
Dan Balaban,
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