The African Queen

Postat la 13 mai 2009 20 afişări

The crisis has changed people’s lifestyle, with the latest trends promoting simple things, the ‘back-to-origins’ concept.

Under the circumstances, Africa is now the queen of spring and summer collections of major designers. One of the most successful products of African inspiration on the market has been the spring/summer collection created by Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton.

To add flavour to the shoe line (called Spicy), the designer has included elements usually associated with Africa – snakeskin, feathers and semi-precious stones. The collection is dedicated to Josephine Baker, the famous singer and dancer from the 1920’s Paris, whose exotic features conquered the City of Lights. The shoes now lead the African fashion caravan and, despite the crisis, are selling like hot cakes.

Chloë Sevigny is a Hollywood star who appeared on the red carpet wearing a pair of Vuitton Spicy, and has sparked a craze for this model among celebrities. Demand is high, all the more since every pair is different, suggesting the idea of unique, handmade objects, something that Africa excels in.

Traducere de Loredana Fratila-Cristescu si Daniela Stoican

Urmărește Business Magazin

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